My Diary 10-29-14 New Talent

A big part of what I want to do is introduce new talent to the world. I am well aware that Hiop Hop is king in the music world these days. That’s why we need someone to introduce the people in music who play live music and sing. These individuals are greatly unrepresented. At one point in my life I was plugged into the underground Soul scene here in Atlanta and I was surprised at all of the talented people out here in need to exposure. I don’t see it getting any better any time soon for these Artist. The radio stations seem to be 100% dedicated to the least talented. Hopefully wee can be another outlet for serious musicians, singers and music makers in general. 🙂

Yesterday was a good day in that I lived through another day, but at some point in the day I caught a tooth ache that was straight up kicking my ass 🙁 I think it happened when I flossed my teeth and went a little to far into the gum line, maybe hit a few nerves. I was like damn this hurts like hell, but no matter how much pain I’m in I still have to cook my boy something to eat. To my great surprise my son came to me and said “Dad hang in there you will be alright”, he then proceeded to fix himself something to eat on his own. Shocked the shit out of me, usually he doesn’t give a damn how I’m doing, just want to know if his food is ready. My boy is growing up. 🙂

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